Your home will probably be the single greatest investment of your life, which is why you must give it love and attention in plenty. Installing new, high-quality windows with secondary glazing is one of the best ways to do this. It will not only improve your home’s overall aesthetic but also pay amazing dividends to the value of your home as well as energy savings.
Let’s dig deeper to find out what new windows can actually do for you and five reasons from KJM Group why they can be a great investment choice:
1. Energy Savings
You probably won’t be surprised to learn that maintaining the air quality of your home is one of the biggest factors in your utility bill. The gas bill skyrockets in winter while the electric bill goes through the roof in summer. Either way, it is quite clear to see that maintaining a comfortable temperature inside your home requires a lot of energy and power.
Every little opening and crack in your home acts as a siphon that sucks away your treated air and hard-earned money. It is exactly why you need to invest in new windows. Today’s windows are built to ensure maximum energy conservation and that treated air inside the home stays where it should while preventing the air from outside from getting in.
2. Improve Your Security
Your top priority should always be ensuring the safety & security of your family. You obviously want to rest easy at night fully confident that the people you love are not only secure but also protected from harm. New windows can go a long way towards ensuring that you have peace of mind.
Potential home invaders tend to be savvy and know exactly what to look for. When such criminals are out on the prowl, they love to look for signs of easy access to your property. One of the most prominent of these signs is old windows with worn structure and cracked paint.
There’s also the risk of having an emergency within the home. In case your home were to ever catch fire, you would want to be sure that all escape paths are open and clear; your windows should ideally open and close properly.
3. Invest in the Value of Your Home and Curb Appeal
Your house might be a home, but it is also a massive investment. It will also probably be the largest investment that you ever make Like any other investment, you should ensure that you tend it well to ensure that you get the best return possible off of it.
Potential buyers know exactly what it is they are searching for and actually understand the benefits that new windows are likely to bring to a property. Furthermore, their agents probably understand and appreciate the value of new windows and advise their clients of the same.
So, if what you need is an efficient and powerful way to boost the value of your property, you need to make sure that you replace your windows.
Perhaps you are already living in your dream home or simply don’t see yourself moving in the near future. It is still a good idea to have new windows installed in your home for the sake of aesthetic appeal and beauty.
4. Noise Reduction
Gaps in the sealing of your house allow air to get in. Unfortunately, the air that gets in brings with it unwanted sound waves. Old, ineffective windows tend to be particularly notorious when it comes to this – they can make it feel as though the whole neighbourhood is right there in your living room watching TV with you.
Fortunately, you no longer have to endure such intrusive noises by replacing your windows. Besides providing you with energy savings, modern windows have superior insulating properties and serve as the perfect barrier to all the undesirable ambient sounds.
If you live close to high noise output areas such as demolition sites, highways, or airports, you can find ultra-insulated window options that can help ensure that your home remains your oasis of peace and serenity.
5. Warranties
It is probably one of the most overlooked benefits of replacing your windows, but it is definitely a complete game-changer.
The vast majority of modern replacement windows have relatively extensive and prolonged warranty periods. The industry standard is that the window’s wooden portion is covered for up to 10 years and that the glass is covered up to 20 years, which is a complete decade at minimum.